Sunday, 2 October 2011

Diner-ing out

Oh dear, today I have the fear. Anyone who's ever written a blog must know, the second blog post is anxiety making... with the first one you know exactly what you're going to say. With post two you feel the pressure of people watching. Let's hope I don't write the equivalent of a second album flop.

Day two of by birthday extravaganza certainly hasn't been a flop and there's still plenty of it left. Sunday October 2nd started with a cheery phone call from my lovely friend Ms Melanie Iredale (literally, having slept through my alarm). We were meant to meet for Afternoon Tea (item 4) but due to bad planning (on my part) we moved it to breakfast. Which then ended up being brunch but actually just turned out to be lunch.

Thinking we might still get a breakfast we settled on The Stateside Diner, or as Melanie knows it better the Break Up Cafe (due to its upbeat decor and 50s soundtrack. Who could possibly leave room for sadness wolfing down a stodgy peanut butter milkshake?). Alas, we missed breakfast by minutes and settled on the cafe's only two veggie friendly options, pictured above. As we munched on our burger and fries I recounted tales from the previous evening (item 18), which was spent with pals drinking whisky and ginger in the warm night air outside The Cluny

Melanie's all about films, so whilst we slurped our milkshakes I picked her brain about how best to execute item 1. At the very same time a facebook update from another lovely chum suggested hosting the filmathon at her studio. Taking this as a sign (it clearly is) I'm very keen to pin this plan down. Firstly, because the studio in question is, bar none*, the best studio I have ever had the privilege to visit (and let me tell you, I've visited a lot of studios) and secondly because Mel suggested (and offered to sort) VHS (yes, retro) and a projector. Plan? Plan. I couldn't be more pleased. This all coming together. 

* Supanaught's studio comes a close second, but mainly because of the Ercol chairs and the Jimi Coat stand.     

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